This fat-soluble antioxidant works to thwart the damaging effects of oxidized nutrients and related harmful chemicals found within the body, Vitamin E has very similar health benefits to Selenium. Vitamin E protects against heart disease as it thins the blood, lowers blood pressure and prevents the clogging of arteries. It can reduce the effects of excessive sun exposure, arthritis, hormone replacement therapy and inflammatory diseases. It works to slow the growth of cancer cells associated with hormonal causes, such as prostate and breast cancer. It is also suggested that Vitamin E improves cognitive function. Used in conjunction with It can also reduce wrinkles and the look of aging, as it promotes healthy skin and hair. Vitamin E essentially prevents free radicals from damaging various cells throughout the body, including those of the heart, liver, eyes, skin and other organs.

Maintaining a strong and healthy immune system has a lot to do with antioxidants like Vitamin E, which is especially powerful when used in combination with Selenium. Particularly directed towards those wanting to conceive, antioxidants like Vitamin E protect the body against disease while ridding the body of harmful free radicals and toxins that can hinder fertility.

Feel like you might be Vitamin E deficient? Vitamin E deficiency is strongly correlated with miscarriages and premature birth, so watch out for the related symptoms! They can include unsteadiness while walking, abnormal eye movements, impaired vision, loss of muscle mass and muscle weakness. Taking in too much Vitamin E can also be detrimental to a growing fetus. Studies have shown that high dietary Vitamin E amongst pregnant women can result in babies born with congenital heart defects and gene modification. Inhibiting the role of cellular enzymes that work to eradicate naturally occurring toxins can also be harmful for the baby. This can result from high levels of Vitamin E that may cause an imbalance in the oxidant and antioxidant levels in embryonic tissues. Pregnant women should aim to consume 30IU of Vitamin E daily. Women trying to conceive and increase fertility should consume approximately 100IU per day.

Foods that are rich in Vitamin E include:

  • cereals
  • nuts and seeds
  • various vegetables (especially spinach)
  • various fruits (especially tomatoes, mangoes and papayas)
  • fish
  • oils (including canola and vegetable)