Things to Avoid When Trying To Conceive

We take in so much information about nutrition and health in this age of awareness, with research abilities at our fingertips there is no lack of things to read. But, what to believe? We are told things are good for us, then we are told that they are bad for us and it is often very difficult to know what to believe.
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Anger and Guilt While TTC

So, you’re trying to have a baby. You had never planned on being someone who was “trying to have” a baby, you had expected to simply be someone who “got pregnant”. Unfortunately life does not always follow the plan we have set out for it. Now here you are, tracking your ovulation cycle, wondering how many eggs you have left, trying to learn about the best things you can eat to be as fertile as possible, and nagging your husband to make sure he doesn’t wear tight pants or let his bits get too warm. You have crossed into the adventure of Trying To Conceive.

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Is your skin care harming you?

Many years ago, I had no idea what was in all of the various personal care products and cosmetics that I used on a daily basis. I mean, who really knows what all of those ingredients are anyway? Half of them I couldn’t pronounce, so why would I have paid attention?

Well, after my oldest child was born, I became educated on the reality of the personal care product industry, and the ingredients that are used in these products, and, let me tell you, I was shocked. Most of the personal care products available in the drug store or grocery store are loaded with carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, allergens, reproductive toxins and irritants. These chemicals interfere with the body’s normal processes, causing damage and poor functioning of various organ systems.    
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