Zinc is essential for male fertility, key for sperm enzymes and testosterone. A deficiency in zinc could mean low sperm count, low ejaculate volume and decreased sex drive. As if that’s not bad enough, in severe cases a zinc deficiency could lead to shrinking of the testicles and a deficiency in women could lead to a loss of menstrual periods.
Zinc is easy enough to maintain through the right diet. A well-rounded diet including meats, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables should supply you enough zinc to maintain a healthy and consistent level.
Early symptoms include appetite loss, weight loss, slow growth and development. The immune system tends to slow down and the healing of wounds tends to take longer. Zinc deficiencies offer several skin issues when the deficiency becomes severe enough, acne, psoriasis and dermatitis may be a result.
Zinc deficiencies can cause a change in chromosomes in both men and women, leading to infertility and miscarriage. It is used to hold reproductive hormones, also used to make the outer layer and the tail of the sperm and inevitably, the baby.
The recommended daily intake for zinc is between 8-12mg per day. For therapeutic
reasons, it can be taken up to 100mg a day. Thankfully both our Fertile Aid and our PregnancyPlus Prenatal Vitamins contain 100% of the recommended daily intake.