When you hear the word tuberculosis, the first thing that may come to mind is Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp, because it’s a disease that seems so far removed from modern day society. However, tuberculosis is still a reality, especially for people living in Asia.
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that is more commonly found in the lungs. The bacterium which causes the infection is known as Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and is generally contracted by breathing in infected air.
Tuberculosis can lay dormant for up to 20 years, but while it’s inactive, it can still be spread even if the carrier is not displaying any symptoms. The infection can move throughout the body, and can end up in the fallopian tubes and spread to the uterus to cause genital or pelvic tuberculosis.
TB can be treated with appropriate antibiotics and is usually curable. If pelvic or genital tuberculosis is treated early enough, the uterus may heal. However, if the infection is left unattended, the uterus may not heal and could be scarred, which may cause sporadic or non-existent periods. In this case, the uterine lining could be damaged and may become an unlikely environment for successful conception.
Symptoms of Tuberculosis:
Symptoms of Uterine Tuberculosis:
It is important to treat TB immediately, so talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.
Urine infection is may also the symptoms of tuberculosis