Right at the end of pregnancy, women seem to feel the need to clean and organize everything in sight, often repeatedly. Women refer to this as the nesting stage, and this burst of energy and need to clean is nature’s way of getting Mom to prepare for the baby.

When it occurs around the 40 week mark, nesting can also been seen as a sign of early labour. Nesting can bring about irrational behaviours in some pregnant women, such as throwing out items that are in perfect condition, packing and unpacking the hospital bag, cleaning, re-cleaning, organizing, and re-organizing.

Nesting can be attributed to biological and emotional factors. Even animals will go through a nesting phase before the birth of offspring; it is a way to ensure that everything will be ready and the baby will be properly taken care of. But nesting could also result from the fact that by the third trimester, your hormones have somewhat settled and you may have some extra energy and just be excited about the new baby.

It’s also not uncommon for men to go through a nesting period as well. When men are expecting a baby, they tend to try and find better jobs, finish projects in the house, and clean the car.

Nesting is perfectly normal, and for the most part, safe. If you’re feeling “nesty,” try to fend off the urge to paint the nursery in the final months of pregnancy; some paints may contain lead and mercury which are toxic to both you and the baby.

Let Dad change the kitty litter box.

Toxoplasmosis is a condition that is passed through fecal matter, and if the baby contracts it, it could lead to blindness, deafness, and problems with mental development. Also, be careful about which household cleaners are used in your home, as some fumes can be dangerous for you and the baby. Avoid oven cleaners, ammonia, and some dry cleaning products. Make sure that for any cleaning job you undertake, the room is well ventilated and you use rubber gloves.

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