Blood drawing needles could be a thing of the past. In two years a new and non-invasive fertility test will be launched.

Fertility levels will be determined from a urine test. That’s right, a urine test. No long drawn out, invasive process. The fertility kit measures two reproductive hormones, the follicle stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone. It searches for their metabolites estrogen glucoronide and pregnanediol glucoronide.

That’s the good news, the bad news; the tests will still have to be performed in a lab. Small price to pay for this cost effective test. All together it’s a four-kit process.

The first kit can be used in to monitor ovulation induction, the second kit us used for detection of ovulation.

The third kit is used to measure the pituitary – responsible for the forming of the reproductive hormones. The last kit is responsible for measuring the FSH and LH levels.

The complete set is cost effective and simple. A memorandum was signed for commercialism, mass production and marketing. In two years getting the answers you need will be easier then ever, just a little something to look forward to.

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