One of the best ways to increase fertility is to bring your body’s BMI (Body Mass Index) to a normal level (between 18.5 and 24.5). The following nutrition tips will help to prepare your body for fertility.
First of all: go for that second cup of coffee. According to WebMD, coffee drinkers are less likely to have Type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson’s, dementia, AND have fewer cases of certain types of cancer, heart rhythm problems, and strokes.
Coffee is jam packed with antioxidants, which, as we know, help to prevent the damage caused by free radicals. Coffee also contains minerals used to help regulate blood sugar levels.
The benefits of coffee do not come from the caffeine, though: caffeine tends to raise cortisol levels, which are responsible for fat storage, and also causes spikes in blood sugar.
But don’t reach for the decaf yet. Although there are a lot of downsides to caffeine, in moderation, it can actually help you to lose weight. Caffeine helps to raise your metabolism, and as it also increases the level of circulating fatty acids, it increases the oxidation of these fuels and enhances fat oxidation and fatty acid metabolism. Used to reduce physical fatigue, caffeine is a stimulant which provides a short term burst of energy and endurance. While it stimulates the central nervous system, caffeine allows for added mental focus and better body coordination.
So, caffeine in moderation can aid with diet and nutrition. However, if you’re not comfortable with caffeine but still want the benefits of coffee, go for the decaf, but make sure you keep in mind that the half and half cream in a mocha latte will take away from the benefits of coffee by adding extra calories.
Keep in mind, however, that pregnant women should limit their coffee intake to approximately 200mg a day, which is about one 12-ounce cup. Caffeine causes blood vessels to constrict and may reduce blood flow to the placenta as a result. A recent study issued by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology showed that pregnant women who consumed 200mg or more of caffeine a day doubled their risk of miscarrying.
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