Determining your “ovulation day” within your monthly menstrual cycle is the most helpful step in your journey towards conceiving a child. Many fertility experts have said that lovemaking should occur during a few days leading up to and the day of your predicted ovulation day. This provides the greatest odds of conception, because your body is most fertile on your ovulation day. Your ovulation day refers to the egg that must be fertilized within a 12-24 hr period in order to conceive. In order to effectively predict your ovulation day, it is imperative that your menstrual cycle and hormone levels are regulated. Great products such as FertiliTea and FertilAid for Women work to regulate your hormones and menstrual cycle, thus enhancing fertility. They also provide full vitamin and antioxidant support.

A great tool to use when trying to pinpoint your ovulation day is the Pregnancy & Ovulation Wheel Calculator. But this tool does so much more than just simply calculating the days in which you are most likely to conceive. By simply entering the first day of your last period, the Pregnancy & Ovulation Wheel Calendar maps out your entire conception and pregnancy timeline. Just to name a few, the wheel has indicators that show when you are most fertile, when you can expect to miss your next period if you conceive, when you will be able to hear the fetal heartbeat, when your pregnancy enters term and your due date. This product is so helpful and easy to use, and really gives you a lot of step-by-step insight into how your body is changing and how your pregnancy is progressing.

Other great ways to predict when you are ovulating is through the use of such products as Ovulation Tests and Basal Thermometers. Ovulation tests are used to pinpoint your ovulation period and detect the levels of the luteinizing hormone in your urine, which surges right before you ovulate. You can also choose between using Ovulation Test strips, which are dipped in a specimen cup, or the Ovulation Midstream Test, which is used midstream during urination. Both are used to determine the 24-hour period wherein you ovulate. Both tests are highly accurate and are the same as the tests used in hospitals and Doctor’s offices across the country.

Basal thermometers are also great for determining ovulation. By measuring your daily basal temperature you can determine when you ovulate during your cycle. This is because your basal body temperature shifts as the levels of your progesterone hormone change. This “thermal shift” is detectable approximately 24 hours after you ovulate.

The more informed you are, the better chance you have of conceiving! All these products are here to help you simplify your journey and achieve great results!

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