How do they work?

A pregnancy test works by detecting the hormone which is produced by the placenta after conception. This hormone is called human chorionic gonadotrophin or hCG. This hormone is only produced after conception, which makes it the perfect natural marker to determine pregnancy.

The hCG hormone travels throughout the body circulatory system, and accumulates in the urine. As the pregnancy progresses the amount of hCG increases and becomes detectable once it reaches a certain level. This hormone reacts with a harmless reagent that is applied to the pregnancy test strip. If hCG is present in the urine specimen it binds with the reagent and produces a positive line.

When should I use a pregnancy test?

Most “off-the-shelf” tests are only able to detect hCG hormone levels that are over 20 mIU/ml. This level normally occurs approximately 5 to 7 days after conception. Our ultra sensitive pregnancy test is able to detect the hCG hormone at only 10 mIU/ml. This very accurate, sensitive test can detect pregnancy in as few as three days after conception.

The best time of day to test your urine is first thing in the morning. Your urine contains the highest level of the hCG hormone at this time and will give you the most accurate results. Interpreting the results The test strip, once activated, will show one or two lines. The C line is the control line, the T line is the test line. The C line always appears, it's the line that shows that the test is working. The T line denotes positive detection of the hCG hormone - which means you could be pregnant.


Kerry Patterson

Date 4/17/2016

Kerry Patterson

Date 4/27/2016

Kerry Patterson

Date 4/27/2016

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