Used in both men and women to treat infertility. Primarily woman who use this drug cannot ovulate and do not have primary ovarian failure, a condition caused by the loss of normal function of ovaries for women under the age of 40. Men use this drug to stimulate sperm production.
Follistim is a subcutaneous or intramuscular injection; dosage is based on the directions of your doctor and is usually used in combination with hCG.
Side effects associated with this medication include:
➢ Headache
➢ Bloating
➢ Stomach pain
➢ Dizziness
More serious side effects:
➢ Ovarian enlargement and ovarian hyperstimulationsyndrome
➢ Can cause fluid in the lungs
➢ Increase the chances of blood clots
➢ Twisting of the ovary causing blood flow to theovary to be cut off
➢ Multiple births
➢ Ectopic pregnancies
Again consult your doctor with any questions and concerns.
Other brands include: Gonal, Fertinex, Puregon, Pergonal, Repronex, Mengon