Here’s a monthly breakdown of fetal development:

Month 1

  • Conception
  • Fertilization
  • Implantation (approximately 7-10 days after fertilization)
  • Physical attributes are determined (gender, hair colour, eye colour)
  • The amniotic sac, umbilical cord and yolk sac are beginning to form
  • By the end of month 1, the baby is approximately 2mm long
  • Month 2

  • At this stage the baby is considered a fetus
  • Heart, neural tube, major organs, arms and legs begin to form
  • Heart beat is visible by ultrasound by approximately the 6th week
  • Placenta, eyes, ears, mouth and bones form
  • The baby’s fingers and toes develop, but may remain webbed for the time being
  • Brain and cranial nerves begin to form, sex organs become visible
  • By the end of month 2, the baby is approximately ½- ¾ of an inch long, weighing approximately 1-2 grams.
  • Month 3

  • With an ultrasound the baby’s legs and arms can be seen moving visibly
  • The heartbeat can be heard and detected by Doppler radar
  • The baby’s sex organs continue to develop
  • Muscle tissues on the abdomen, limbs and head begin to form
  • Face is well formed
  • Heart and major organ development is complete by the end of Month 3
  • By the end of Month 3, the baby is 3-4 inches long and weighs approximately 1 ounce.
  • Month 4

  • Hair and teeth begin to form
  • The baby is now very active, and its movement can be felt by month 4-5
  • Digestive system and intestines form
  • The baby’s gender can be determined by the end of this month
  • By the end of Month 4, the baby is approximately 5-6 inches long and weighs approximately 5-8 ounces.
  • Month 5

  • The baby begins to develop lanugo, which is a fine hair that covers the entire body
  • Eyelashes, eyebrows, fingerprints and footprints develop
  • The baby learns to suck and swallow
  • A white, super soft covering called vernix appears on the baby’s skin as a protective layer
  • The baby’s ears develop and he/she may begin to hear noises from outside the womb by this point
  • By the end of Month 5, the baby is approximately 7-8 inches long and weighs approximately ¾-1 lb
  • Month 6

  • The baby’s immune system develops and he/she begins to create antibodies
  • Reflexes in the hands and feet develop
  • Lungs and alveoli begin to form
  • By the end of Month 6, the baby is approximately 9-10 inches long and weighs approximately 1.5-2.25 lbs
  • Month 7

  • The baby can now open his/her eyes and cry
  • Activity continues to increase as his/her movements may be seen from outside of the belly
  • The baby’s body fat continues to increase as his/her bones are now fully developed
  • By the end of Month 7, the baby is approximately 11 inches long and weighs approximately 3-3.5 lbs
  • Month 8

  • Fetal development is usually complete by this month, but the baby continues to grow and mature in preparation for life outside of the womb
  • The baby experiences a lot of REM sleep at this point but is still very active when awake
  • The baby starts to become a bit cramped for space but remains active
  • By the end of Month 8, the baby is approximately 13 inches long and weighs approximately 5-6 lbs
  • Month 9

  • The baby is now preparing for birth, spending a lot of time resting with frequent active periods
  • The baby begins to move into position in preparation for birth with his/her head pointing downward
  • Birth weights and lengths vary, but typically he/she should be approximately 19-21 inches in length and weigh approximately 7-8 lbs
  • A great way to track your baby’s progress is with the help of a Pregnancy & Ovulation Wheel Calculator. Not only does it help pinpoint the days in which you are most likely to conceive, but once pregnancy is confirmed it continues to track your progress as it calculates your trimesters, when the fetal heartbeat can be heard, when disgnostic testing can be conducted and much, much more. Order Yours Today!

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