If you are trying to conceive, you are going to need both ovulation and pregnancy tests. We have bundled them together, based on actual usage patterns. This means you can be sure to get the right amount of each test.
This combo kit contains 30 Ovulation Test Strips and 10 Pregnancy Test Strips. This represents a 3-month supply of both tests.
Main features:
- 30 Ovulation Test Strips, sensitivity of 30 mIU/ml
- 10 Pregnancy Test Strips - Ultra Sensitive, sensitivity of 10 mIU/mL
- Top-of-the-line Pregnancy Test sensitivity, best available
- Easy to use, with full trilingual instructions
- Easy to read, with wider 5mm strips
- Over 99% accuracy, clinically tested
Ovulation Test Strips
How it works
Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. The egg then passes into the fallopian tube where it is ready to be fertilized. In order for pregnancy to occur, the egg must be fertilized by sperm within 24 hours after its release. Immediately before ovulation, the body produces a large amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) which triggers the release of an egg from the ovary. This “LH surge” usually takes place in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The LH Ovulation Rapid Test Strip is a complete system to help predict the time of ovulation and peak fertility. It is during this fertile time that pregnancy is most likely to occur. The LH Ovulation Rapid Test Strip detects the LH surge in urine, signalling that ovulation is likely to occur in the next 24-36 hours. The test utilizes a combination of antibodies including a monoclonal LH antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of LH.
How to use
It is important to note that it is usually best to test in the afternoon and to keep testing at the same time each day. Also, make sure to consult the correct instructions and manuals. The ovulation and pregnancy tests have different usage and result interpretation guidelines.
1. Determine the day to begin testing. You can refer to the full user manual for detailed instructions.
2. Bring the pouch to room temperature before opening it. Remove the test strip from
the sealed pouch and use it as soon as possible.
3. With arrows pointing toward the urine specimen, immerse the test strip vertically in the urine specimen for at least 10 seconds. Do not pass the maximum line (MAX) on the test strip when immersing the strip. See the illustration.
4. Place the test strip on a non-absorbent flat surface, start the timer and wait for the coloured line(s) to appear. The result should be read at 10 minutes. Do not interpret the result after 10 minutes.
Pregnancy Test Strips
How it works
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone, produced by the developing placenta shortly after conception and is secreted into the urine. The pregnancy test contains antibodies which specifically react with this hormone. When the strip is immersed into a urine specimen, capillary action carries the specimen to migrate along the membrane. When hCG in the sample reaches the Test Zone region of the membrane, it will form a coloured line. The absence of this coloured line suggests a negative result. To serve as a procedure control, a coloured line will appear at the control zone area of the test strip if the test has been performed correctly.
How to use
It is important to note that because of its highest concentration of hCG, the first morning urine specimen is optimal. Also, make sure to consult the correct instructions and manuals. The ovulation and pregnancy tests have different usage and result interpretation guidelines.
1. Remove a strip from the foil pouch and use it as soon as possible
2. Place the tip of the strip in urine for at least 3-5 seconds until thoroughly wet. Do not immerse past the arrow mark
3. Remove strip from the urine and lay on a flat surface
4. Wait for colour bands to appear
5. Do not read before 5 minutes or after 10 minutes